General Rules
1.For screening purposes, a pre-event abstract, in a standard format, has to be submitted. The abstract should be mailed to
projects@illuminate2k8.com2.Only the participants who qualify in the screening round based on judging of the abstracts shall be invited for final round at CMR Institute of Technology.
3.Qualifying participants will have to make a presentation before a panel of judges explaining the salient points of their idea/innovation.
4.Teams will be given only one hour prior to the competition to set up their model/design at the venue for judging.
5.A detailed report in support of the design and highlighting the important aspects should also be brought. The report will be considered for judging.
6.Participants should submit their hardware, software and other requirements (if required) needed at the time of competition along with the abstract for the screening round.
Team Specifications
A team should consist maximum of 4 members.
EligibilityAll students with a valid identity card of their respective educational institutes are eligible to participate in the event.
Special NoteThe decision of the judges shall be treated as final and binding on all.