Abstract Submission
1.Participants should mail their abstracts with the registration number as the subject and preferably in 'doc' or 'PDF' format.
2.An exhibition of the entries selected on the basis of the abstract submitted under Open Showcase event will be held during ILLUMINATE 08. Participants are also required to mention at the beginning of their abstracts if their idea has a prototype / model. A brief idea of how the design could be presented (exhibited) during the exhibition should also be included in the abstracts.
3.The abstract should be concise and to the point and should not exceed three A4 sheets of text typed with Times New Roman font of size 12 excluding the first sheet containing the title and the last containing the references (if any).
4.The first sheet should only contain title of the project, names of the team members and their respective institutes.
5.The last sheet, following the abstract, may have a list of references - websites, books, journals and so on which amply support the ideas or solutions implemented/proposed.
6.The selected entries will be informed via e-mail and they would have to send replies conforming their participation within two days failing which they will not be allowed to participate.